At Home
Do you feel at home in your marriage? Is there anything you’ve gotten used to over the years that should be addressed? Do you and your husband both show up for each other? What would it take for you to feel like home for each other?
Learning to Dance with Desire
Do you feel at home in your marriage? Is there anything you’ve gotten used to over the years that should be addressed? Do you and your husband both show up for each other? What would it take for you to feel like home for each other?
Can a wife’s solo masturbation be part of a healthy married sex life for a Christian couple? Let’s talk about whether solo masturbation is a sin, motives for masturbation, and signs that your solo masturbation might be a problem in your marriage.
Yes, there IS such a thing as a bad orgasm. Find out what makes them bad and how you can turn things around.
Sometimes my old feelings resurface. Today I learned that just because my feelings are the same, that doesn’t mean that our marriage is the same.
Your husband makes a pretty simple request: “Can we do it doggy style?” “Let’s try this new vibrator I ordered!” “I’d like oral sex.” “Let’s …
Julie Sibert from Intimacy in Marriage writes today about making the sex in your marriage all that you hoped it could be–and more.
What if we set God’s design as our deepest goal and desire for our marriages? What if we chose to believe that delight is possible? What if we prayed for God to help us find the intimacy and oneness He desires for us?
Are you ready to pursue delight in sex and to delight in the intimacy in your marriage?
I share some of my ministry plans for the new year—and give you three things you can do to leap into the new year on the right foot.
When I realized how much my sexual avoidance hurt my husband, I entered a season of sexual stewardship in which I cared for my husband’s sexuality. It didn’t bring me sexual healing, but it made my marriage into a place in which I would be able to heal.
I share part of my journey toward sexual wholeness. Part 1 delves into my sexual disintegrity—my lack of sexual morality and my sexual brokenness. It grew out of a deep yearning that I didn’t yet know was a yearning for God.
Open your eyes during orgasm to experience deeper intimacy with your husband.
Do you communicate with your husband in a way that truly works? This post gives you three questions to ask to help you know if your words and actions work for or against your marriage.
Even when sex isn’t possible, you can be intentional about maintaining emotional, spiritual, and emotional intimacy until you are able to have sex again.
Make a habit of intimacy in your marriage to acknowledge and strengthen your connection with each other.
The current study is closed to enrollment. Fill out the contact form below to be notified when enrollment is open for the spring study of …