Dear friends,
Please consider supporting the ministry here at The Forgiven Wife.
Prayer . . .
- Pray for God’s words to flow here, that they may reach hearts.
- Pray for smooth (and easy-to-use!) technology.
- Pray for my marriage, that it stay strong and protected from the enemy.
- Pray for the marriages we see in the comment section on blog posts.
Ideas . . .
- Do you know of a great marriage resource? I’m looking for blogs, books, and conferences to recommend to readers who want to work on sexual intimacy in their marriages.
- Do you have an idea for a blog post? Let me know!
- If you are a woman who has worked on sexual intimacy in her marriage, consider writing a guest post. Just email me!
Financial support is also welcome. There are costs for the domain, themes, web design, and my time.
How You Can Help
You can help in several ways–and not all involve any extra money on your part.
Direction Donation
If The Forgiven Wife has ministered to your heart or your marriage, pray about whether you might be able to provide financial support, either on a recurring basis or as a one-time gift. (Donations are not tax-deductible.)
Recurring donations can be made through Patreon or PayPal.
Become a Patron!
One-time donations can be made via PayPal or by sending a personal check to me at P.O. Box 2061, Waukesha, WI 53188.

If you prefer not to make a direction donation, you can still help! Purchases made through the shopping links below will send a small commission my way at no additional expense to you. These are affiliate links.
Shop to support your marriage and family
Boost Your Libido
A course for married women, this 10-module video based course helps women learn to “flip that switch” and get in the mood again! We’ll learn what libido is, and how we can think differently and change our daily routines so that sex seems much more appealing.
Nine Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage
Work through Sheila Wray Gregoire’s awesome book 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage, which will challenge you to see your marriage in a different way, and show you how just making small changes in the way you think can change everything.
This study provides you with journalling questions, videos, and prayer prompts as you work through the book on your own.
You can buy the book here. The study is available here.
Married Dance
A Christian-friendly sex toy store, displayed in a clean, safe environment with fast, discreet shipping.
The Whole Story
An online video-based course for moms and daughters where the daughters learn about sex, puberty and growing up from videos featuring young adult mentors, and then moms use the discussion questions to keep the conversation going!
My recommendations on Amazon
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
Some of my favorite resources for marriage, sexuality, wholeness, and healing can be found on Amazon.
Use these links to shop with the merchants below, earning me a small percentage of your purchase at no additional cost to you.
- Amazon
- Best Bully Sticks
- Bloomingdale’s
- Blue Apron
- Booking.com
- The Disney Store
- eyeglasses.com
- Flower Station (UK)
- Footlocker.com
- Groupon
- Happy Socks
- Harrods
- InterContinental Hotels Group
- Jimmy Choo
- Kohl’s
- Macy’s
- Marriott International
- Orbitz
- Puma
- Sephora
- T-Mobile
- The Body Shop
- Toys-R-Us UK
- Travelocity
- TripAdvisor
- Under Armour
- Verizon Wireless
- Walmart
Thank you so much for your support!

I can’t click on Amazon under the ‘General Stuff’ category. Is there another way to get there to buy general items so that you can get credit?
It would help if I’d remembered to add the link. I think it should be there now. You can also use the search box over on the right of the screen. Thanks!