One Step Forward
If you aren’t ready to take the next step, do one thing to move yourself toward the next step in your journey.
Learning to Dance with Desire
If you aren’t ready to take the next step, do one thing to move yourself toward the next step in your journey.
When you are full of insecurity and have low self-esteem, it isn’t easy to do what is necessary to have a healthy, functional marriage. …
If you’ve decided to work on the sexual intimacy in your marriage, that’s great! But where do you start? Here are three things you can try, all broken down into small do-able steps for you.
Are you ready to take the next steps on your sexual journey? This post gives you links to help you try some new-to-you ideas.
As you travel your journey to work on sex, after every step, look at what you can do next. If it seems too much, break it down into smaller stages. Even a baby step is a step—as long as you take it.