Moving from Resentment to Forgiveness
The Bible tells us to forgive–but sometimes it isn’t so easy to do. I’ve moved! While you can peruse the archives here, I am …
Learning to Dance with Desire
The Bible tells us to forgive–but sometimes it isn’t so easy to do. I’ve moved! While you can peruse the archives here, I am …
For many years, I felt alone in my marriage. When I needed support, emotional or otherwise, I never knew if my husband would be there …
In the spring of 2013 when I began The Forgiven Wife, I had a clear sense of the blog’s mission. It took me a while …
Do you feel powerless to make changes in your marriage? Think again about who is with you.
In this post, I suggested that you work intentionally and consistently on your sex life for one year and see if anything changed in …
If you’re working on sexual intimacy, don’t keep it hidden in the dark. Let your husband know.
It’s the last week in October. That means it’s time for the last installment of the Words of Wisdom blog challenge from the Christian Marriage …
You’ve done lots of work to turn things around, but your marriage doesn’t seem to be getting any better. You wonder why you even bothered with all that effort. What’s going on—and is there anything you can do?
If your husband thinks there’s a problem with sex in your marriage but you don’t, what would happen if you went along with his efforts for a year? How would your husband, you, and your marriage be different after that one year?
Are you ready to take the next steps on your sexual journey? This post gives you links to help you try some new-to-you ideas.
Don’t feel discouraged when you stumble. Reboot yourself, dust yourself off, and resume your journey.
Crossroads in marriage sometimes are obvious; other times we don’t realize until after the fact that we made a decision that shaped the trajectory of our marriage. In the rawness of those moments, it isn’t always easy to see where we are going. In this post I share parts of a message I wrote to Big Guy during one of those raw moments when I was approaching what would turn out to be a crossroads.
The prospect of making sexual change can be daunting, but you don’t have to change everything at once. Just take it one step at a time.
Are you making a lot of fuss over sex? What would your life be like if you stopped fussing and began to work on your marriage?
Over the past fifteen months, I’ve frequently been asked why I decided to change how I approached sex. What I’ve often wondered, though, is …