A Habit of Intimacy
Make a habit of intimacy in your marriage to acknowledge and strengthen your connection with each other.
Learning to Dance with Desire
Make a habit of intimacy in your marriage to acknowledge and strengthen your connection with each other.
I haven’t been good about being physically active this summer, and my arthritic knee has really been feeling it lately. The only way to strengthen …
Nurturing the non-sexual intimacy in your marriage will help you inside and outside the bedroom. This post explains why.
I have a sensitive heart. I have lots of feelings, and I feel them deeply. One of the downsides of this is that my …
Are you willing to make just one change in your marriage? Do this: Believe that emotional and relationship are at the heart of your husband’s sexual desire for you.
For many years in my marriage, I felt disconnected from my husband. For him, connection happened primarily through sex and also from us just being …
Does a husband really value the emotional connection and his wife’s pleasure as much as he does his own orgasm? A quickie showed me the answer, and it surprised me.
As you work on sexual intimacy, you may see find that you grow in other areas as well.
When I was in fifth grade, I was part of the playground safety patrol at school. Before school and during recess, I got to …
“Do you feel like having sex?” he would ask me. Most times, I would seriously think about it: Do I feel aroused in any …
A reader recently sent me the link to A Letter from a Husband to his Wife on Sexual Refusal and Reluctance and asked me …
I had plans for today. I was going to apply for a couple jobs that were posted yesterday, work on a writing project, mow the …
Are you missing out on anything because you and your husband define something differently? For me, what I was missing out on was connection.
In my bad years, I had many excuses I would give my husband for why we couldn’t have sex that week/day/minute. I recognize now that …