It can take time to make a new habit feel comfortable and natural. When you persevere anyway, you may find that you can soon reap the fruits of your effort.
Learning to Dance with Desire
It can take time to make a new habit feel comfortable and natural. When you persevere anyway, you may find that you can soon reap the fruits of your effort.
If you’ve been married a long time and things don’t seem so great, it’s easy to think about getting a fresh start. But consider this: you’ve already invested a lot of time in your marriage. Isn’t it worth investing some effort as well, just to see what your marriage might become?
The hard work of transforming two individuals into a one-flesh marriage is part of what makes a marriage so beautiful and deeply satisfying.
Are you waiting for a miracle in your marriage? God can and does perform miracles (just ask any diehard Cubs fan!)—and when we do the hard work, we are participating in that miraculous transformation.
If you’re in a hurting marriage without intimacy, begin where you are. Work on one thing you see in front of you. Reach out for intimacy.
At the end of last week, we began to move from the house where we’ve lived for nearly fifteen years to a smaller place …
If your husband thinks there’s a problem with sex in your marriage but you don’t, what would happen if you went along with his efforts for a year? How would your husband, you, and your marriage be different after that one year?
Don’t feel discouraged when you stumble. Reboot yourself, dust yourself off, and resume your journey.
You reap what you sow. You get out of it what you put into it. My decision to get a cheap motel room left a lot to be desired. I learned some lessons that can help you work on your marriage.
I’m lying in bed, writing this post on my phone while my husband is in dreamland next to me. I’ve moved! While you can peruse …
The most important step in any journey is the first one–but you need to keep going if you are going to get anywhere. I’ve moved! …