Overcome the Power of Your Feelings
I am always aware of my emotions. I name them. I describe them in detail. I compare them to feelings at other times. When I …
Learning to Dance with Desire
I am always aware of my emotions. I name them. I describe them in detail. I compare them to feelings at other times. When I …
While I take a little break for Christmas, I am sharing some posts from my archives. So many women come to marriage with baggage. Some …
My sexuality is so interconnected with my emotions that even a small emotional blip can turn off the sexual switch for me. This post shares strategies to help restore what emotional hurt has pushed aside.
The bible tells our husbands to live with us in an understanding way: You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in …
My husband and I used to argue all the time—about sex, money, parenting, household chores, and even how we argued. He pointed out (frequently) …
I have all the feelings. You know the stereotype of women being so emotional? I am a perfect illustration of that stereotype. I’m emotional, I’m …
Even in the midst of slow progress, one giant step to move you to a whole new place—and that just might rock your whole world.
During our difficult years, there were times when our marriage felt like a war. Sometimes there were loud battles that would last for days. …