Enjoy a Plus-Size Sex Life, Part 1
If you are a plus-size woman, please know that your abundant body does not disqualify you from an abundant and joyful sex life.
Learning to Dance with Desire
If you are a plus-size woman, please know that your abundant body does not disqualify you from an abundant and joyful sex life.
Hillsong’s Hosanna includes the lyrics “break my heart for what breaks yours.” I think of those words every time I receive a message from yet …
I would like to thank you for your kind messages and your prayers during Big Guy’s recent hospitalization. The doctors did something called cardioconversion–it’s the thing …
I had plans for today. I was going to apply for a couple jobs that were posted yesterday, work on a writing project, mow the …
When my twins were pre-teens, they came home from a school field trip one day, completely exhausted. They lay down on the couch, heads at …
Challenges have a way of narrowing our attention to the heart of what matters–even when it comes to “in sickness and in health.”