Your Husband and Your Past
Does your husband struggle with your sexual past and the baggage you brought into your marriage? His healing is his responsibility, but there are some things you can do to encourage him.
Learning to Dance with Desire
Does your husband struggle with your sexual past and the baggage you brought into your marriage? His healing is his responsibility, but there are some things you can do to encourage him.
Although it is unwise to dwell in the past, it is important to be willing to look at the past in order to fully face our sins as well as identify areas where we need to grow and to heal—but how exactly do you do that? This post gives you four things to try.
Scars you carry from your sexual past can remind you of God’s great transformative work in your life.
I have spent much of my life thinking about the past, which isn’t always a good thing. I’ve dragged heavy baggage around with me. …
Although we went to church and my parents were basically good people with solid values, they somehow never got around to encouraging me to think …