A Wife’s Heart: A Colloquy (#3)
The third leg of my conversation with CSL at The Curmudgeonly Librarian is posted today. CSL set a trap, and I leapt right in. …
Learning to Dance with Desire
The third leg of my conversation with CSL at The Curmudgeonly Librarian is posted today. CSL set a trap, and I leapt right in. …
In the second segment of my on-going conversation with CSL at The Curmudgeonly Librarian, we discuss whether spouses should have sex when they’re upset, …
The Mark Gungor Show recently had a podcast that addressed how a husband should deal with a wife who won’t have sex with him. (You …
An individual “no” isn’t a problem; the cumulative effect of “no” after “no” after “no” is a problem.
The prospect of making sexual change can be daunting, but you don’t have to change everything at once. Just take it one step at a time.
This blog exists for the support of Christian wives who have restricted the sexual activity in their marriages and want to change that. I write …
Four years ago, I was beginning to see that our marriage was not at all in a good place. My husband and I were having …
It’s nice to have an enemy. For Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride, having an enemy gave his life so much purpose and focus that …
The Enemy is a crafty one. He tempted Eve, twisting the truth and telling her lies. He wants to separate us from God. He goes …
In A Moment of Hard Truth, I shared with you the moment when I realized what my sexual refusing and gate-keeping had done to …
I’d love to sit down with you, with some coffee and a yummy treat, and just listen to why you struggle with sex. And then here’s what I might have to say.
We walk different paths on the way to and from sexual gate-keeping and refusing. While I’ve shared much of my own story here, my story …
The Scales of Justice One evening last month, I received several messages from a man who had found my blog. Unsigned (but with a …
I am not the only woman who has let hurt from long ago affect her marriage bed. Changing sexual behavior was hard, and letting go of my emotional hurt was even harder. I had erected an emotional wall, and healing our marriage required me to knock it down. I didn’t even realize I was still hurting until my husband’s words healed a place in my heart.
I’ve often wondered what led to my years of sexual refusal and gate-keeping. I’ve known that it had to do with lack of trust and emotional disconnection, …