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The Forgiven Wife is moving to Honeycomb & Spice. I hope you join me!
Learning to Dance with Desire
The Forgiven Wife is moving to Honeycomb & Spice. I hope you join me!
Doesn’t everyone think about sex while they’re baking special Christmas cookies? I sure do! Check out my guest post at Intimacy in Marriage to find out why there is a connection.
Let these lovely links help you grow!
Shop for Christmas gifts with these links to awesome stores!
Do you feel at home in your marriage? Is there anything you’ve gotten used to over the years that should be addressed? Do you and your husband both show up for each other? What would it take for you to feel like home for each other?
Let these lovely links help you grow!
Can a wife’s solo masturbation be part of a healthy married sex life for a Christian couple? Let’s talk about whether solo masturbation is a sin, motives for masturbation, and signs that your solo masturbation might be a problem in your marriage.
Let these lovely links help you grow!
It can take time to make a new habit feel comfortable and natural. When you persevere anyway, you may find that you can soon reap the fruits of your effort.
If you want to be sure your husband can tell that you’re flirting with him, research gives you three tips that are likely to work.
What are the absolute must-have basics to make your bedroom conducive to sex? What can you add to make sex easier or more comfortable? And what is in your dream sexy bedroom? This post can spark conversation in your own marriage about how to level up your bedroom.
I expected some things to improve when I began to work on sex—but there are some benefits that caught me by surprise.
Let these lovely links help you grow!
When you’re afraid, crossing a bridge can be a huge challenge. Working on sex can be a challenge, too. How can you face that challenge and move forward in your journey?
Are you ready to take a step toward growing in the area of sexual intimacy? I have two programs that can help you do just that. Learn more about my Passion Pursuit study and Intimacy Mentoring, and think about what kind of support you need as you move forward.