How do you let go of hurt? It's easy to say, "Let go and let God." "Forgive your husband." "Forgive yourself." "Give it to God." It's easy to say those things, but it isn't so easy to do them. Healing is a process—and so is forgiving.

Holding On

How do you let go of hurt? It’s easy to say, “Let go and let God.” “Forgive your husband.” “Forgive yourself.” “Give it to God.” It’s easy to say those things, but it isn’t so easy to do them. Healing is a process—and so is forgiving.

As I worked on myself to change my sexual interactions with my husband, I began to see him as a child of God, just like me—imperfect, sinful, with a hurting heart. The walls around the black hole of my heart began to thin and weaken, and the hurt began to escape. The pain and hopelessness drained from my heart, to be replaced by joy, contentment, and hope. Somewhere along the way from where I was to where I am now, I learned to forgive my husband.

Be Still

As I worked on myself to change my sexual interactions with my husband, I began to see him as a child of God, just like me—imperfect, sinful, with a hurting heart. The walls around the black hole of my heart began to thin and weaken, and the hurt began to escape. The pain and hopelessness drained from my heart, to be replaced by joy, contentment, and hope. Somewhere along the way from where I was to where I am now, I learned to forgive my husband.

What happens when you change your perspective? Do you show your own husband as much mercy as the Samaritan showed a naked and broken stranger? Not only is your husband your intimate partner, he is also your neighbor who should have your love and care.

Naked and Broken

What happens when you change your perspective? Do you show your own husband as much mercy as the Samaritan showed a naked and broken stranger? Not only is your husband your intimate partner, he is also your neighbor who should have your love and care.

As you travel your journey to work on sex, after every step, look at what you can do next. If it seems too much, break it down into smaller stages. Even a baby step is a step—as long as you take it.

Keep on Walking

As you travel your journey to work on sex, after every step, look at what you can do next. If it seems too much, break it down into smaller stages. Even a baby step is a step—as long as you take it.