Keep the Home Fires Burning
What are you doing to keep the passion alive in your marriage?
Learning to Dance with Desire
What are you doing to keep the passion alive in your marriage?
I am not the only woman who has let hurt from long ago affect her marriage bed. Changing sexual behavior was hard, and letting go of my emotional hurt was even harder. I had erected an emotional wall, and healing our marriage required me to knock it down. I didn’t even realize I was still hurting until my husband’s words healed a place in my heart.
Just a few short years ago, all I would have seen was the rain. I’ve moved! While you can peruse the archives here, I …
A video I saw the other day spoke powerfully to me about repentance and transformation. Available at the Jesus Tattoo website, the video has …
Some time ago, I saw an article about a business that specialized in non-sexual touch therapy. For $60, you could pay someone to snuggle with you …
Sex was transformed into something completely different.
We have so many ways to enjoy sexual intimacy in our marriages. Why should we stick to just one or two things?
I’m lying in bed, writing this post on my phone while my husband is in dreamland next to me. I’ve moved! While you can peruse …
When my prayers ABOUT our marriage became prayers FOR our marriage, our marriage began to change.
Yesterday, my drive to work was filled with a deep and revealing exploration of some roots of some of my gate-keeping and refusal. I hesitated …
My back yard is a disaster. We have a gigantic eyesore right in the middle of it—an old above-ground pool. The sides have fallen in. …
When it comes to being sexually ungenerous, some people make a distinction between gatekeeping and refusing. I often seem to use the terms interchangeably, …
In “Foolish Builders,” I wrote about some of the things I learned about my then-future husband when we were engaged in premarital sex. These lessons, …
I’ve often wondered what led to my years of sexual refusal and gate-keeping. I’ve known that it had to do with lack of trust and emotional disconnection, …
In the coverage of the second round of the recent Oklahoma tornadoes, I heard that a mother and baby died when the tornado caught their …