In John 5, Jesus tells the man at the pool to pick up his mat and go. What does this mean in our marriages? What do you need to do to accept the transformation God may already be making in your marriage?

Take Up Your Mat

In John 5, Jesus tells the man at the pool to pick up his mat and go. What does this mean in our marriages? What do you need to do to accept the transformation God may already be making in your marriage?

When a husband begins to experience intimacy in his marriage, what happens to the walls he's built around his heart? In this post I share a story about my husband inviting me in to parts of his heart where I had never been.

Crying Over Milk Toast

When a husband begins to experience intimacy in his marriage, what happens to the walls he’s built around his heart? In this post I share a story about my husband inviting me in to parts of his heart where I had never been.

I am not the only woman who has let hurt from long ago affect her marriage bed. Changing sexual behavior was hard, and letting go of my emotional hurt was even harder. I had erected an emotional wall, and healing our marriage required me to knock it down. I didn't even realize I was still hurting until my husband's words healed a place in my heart.

Unexpected Healing

I am not the only woman who has let hurt from long ago affect her marriage bed. Changing sexual behavior was hard, and letting go of my emotional hurt was even harder. I had erected an emotional wall, and healing our marriage required me to knock it down. I didn’t even realize I was still hurting until my husband’s words healed a place in my heart.

How do you let go of hurt? It's easy to say, "Let go and let God." "Forgive your husband." "Forgive yourself." "Give it to God." It's easy to say those things, but it isn't so easy to do them. Healing is a process—and so is forgiving.

Holding On

How do you let go of hurt? It’s easy to say, “Let go and let God.” “Forgive your husband.” “Forgive yourself.” “Give it to God.” It’s easy to say those things, but it isn’t so easy to do them. Healing is a process—and so is forgiving.