From the Archives: Unbearable Lessons
While I take a little break for Christmas, I am sharing some posts from my archives. So many women come to marriage with baggage. Some …
Learning to Dance with Desire
While I take a little break for Christmas, I am sharing some posts from my archives. So many women come to marriage with baggage. Some …
Even a hospitalization offers us some lessons about marriage.
We often hear about the beauty of the relationship between a mother and her child. It is a relationship that symbolizes nurture and love and …
Have experiences with sexual harassment affected your sex life?
I’ve been in a fine funk lately. A year of fairly constant stress caught up with me and been compounded by a challenging bout …
September 5, 2010, was a significant day in our marriage. It was the day my eyes were opened to the hurt my husband was experiencing …
How many of our husbands bear scars from their own sexual sins? When they wounded others, did they also wound themselves?
By the time we stand before God and community to make our marriage vows, we already have a number of beliefs about marriage and …
My journey toward full intimacy in my marriage has been filled with unexpected lessons. One particularly striking lesson has been about the role of my …
What can we learn about marriage from a game? I found 12 lessons in Candy Crush. Read the post to find out what they are!
I recently wrote that how you see your husband may be shaped by what you learned about men during childhood. We carry other negative …
During our difficult years, there were times when our marriage felt like a war. Sometimes there were loud battles that would last for days. …
There’s no guaranteed formula for changing intimacy in a marriage, but three things can help you be ready to do the work: 1) expect it to be harder than you think, 2) own your own sins, and 3) spend time with God.
When I began my journey of sexual transformation, it didn’t even occur to me that I was beginning a journey. I just figured it …