Spin Your Cocoon
Making changes in your marriage and your sex life can create a place where you can safely grow. Are you ready to spin your cocoon?
Learning to Dance with Desire
Making changes in your marriage and your sex life can create a place where you can safely grow. Are you ready to spin your cocoon?
When you realize how deeply you’ve hurt your husband, it can be devastating to hear him respond with “too little, too late.” Here are some tips to help you grow and have hope.
When we invite God into our sex lives, we can find healing and wholeness—but it may not be in the way we expect.
Have you ever worked to overcome a problem in your life? Have you sought healing in an area of hurt? Isn’t it lovely when you …
It wasn’t a change in my approach to sex that changed our marriage. Sex was a problem in our marriage, but it wasn’t THE problem. …
I’ve often heard the expression, “Go big, or go home.” The idea is that if you’re going to do something, do it in the most …
When sex is a source of tension in your marriage, bed is a difficult place to be. Working on sex can turn your bed into a safe haven—a sanctuary—for your husband and you.
Don’t be afraid of transformation. It is what will help you develop new beauty and freedom in your marriage, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of …
Throughout most of 2009 and 2010, we were in a nearly sexless marriage. A sexless marriage is a marriage in which sex occurs ten …
In John 5, Jesus tells the man at the pool to pick up his mat and go. What does this mean in our marriages? What do you need to do to accept the transformation God may already be making in your marriage?
Today is the final post from Janna Allen (a pseudonym) in which she opens her life to us to share how the journey has looked …
Sharing your sexuality with your husband has the power to transform him into the husband your heart has craved.
A video I saw the other day spoke powerfully to me about repentance and transformation. Available at the Jesus Tattoo website, the video has …
Sex was transformed into something completely different.