Are you stuck in a pattern of “the usual” when it comes to your sex life? Maybe it’s time to spice things up a bit.
This weekend, be the one to kick things up just a little. It doesn’t have to be a big step, but I want to challenge you to think of a way to sexually bless your husband that is not on your list of usual things.
Here are some ideas for you:
- Initiate. See 20 Even-You-Can-Do-It Ideas To Initiate Sex Tonight for some ideas.
- Eat something like a banana or hot dog with sexual teasing to mimic oral sex—and then be sure to follow through later.
- Make a sexual innuendo. (“If you think these spaghetti noodles are flexible, wait until you see your dessert.” *wink wink*.)
- Wiggle your rear end at him when you know he’s looking.
- Bonus points for dropping your pants or lifting your skirt for an extra show.
- And even more bonus points for backing up right onto your husband’s lap.
- Wear a low-cut top around the house…
- …and lean over him…
- …and place his hand under your top.
- Lighten up! If you usually have sex in the dark, add a couple candles. If you usually use candles, turn on a lamp. If you usually have a lamp, try doing it in the broad daylight with sun streaming through your window.
- Wear lingerie if you usually don’t. Or wear nothing at all.
- Suggest that you have sex before you go out for your weekly date.
- Initiate his favorite sex act. Instead of waiting for him to initiate or you indicating your willingness, start with, “I want to . . . “ and see what happens.
- Place a temporary tattoo in a place that will surprise him.
- If he’s a football fan, give him oral sex during half time. Don’t ask if he’d like it. Just do it. If you’re alone, get on your knees, unzip him, and have at it. If you’re not alone, maybe there’s a way to get him alone in your bedroom for just a few minutes.
- Invite him to watch you get undressed—and then do so slowly. Look into his eyes the entire time.
- You be the one to suggest a new position.
- Have sex in a different room. Or in the basement. Or in the garage.
Add just a little spice, and have fun!

Image credit | canva.com
Hurray! Amen! Yes!