Sexual Invocation – My Journey Toward Sexual Wholeness #3
When we invite God into our sex lives, we can find healing and wholeness—but it may not be in the way we expect.
Learning to Dance with Desire
When we invite God into our sex lives, we can find healing and wholeness—but it may not be in the way we expect.
How can we move past our wounds and our brokenness to seek healing and wholeness? This post introduces my story that is part of the sexual healing and wholeness series on the blog.
I created the barriers that got in the way of having my deepest longing fulfilled. When I knocked down those barriers, I experienced the sweet fulfillment of my heart’s desire.
Are you a sexual assault survivor who is struggling with the news? Me, too—and here’s how I’m coping.
Over the past year, we have seen so much media coverage of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual trauma. So many of us bear the weight of sexual trauma of some kind, and I’ve written quite a few posts to encourage you in your healing. This post links to all of them.
I haven’t written much about pornography here. While it used to show up occasionally in our marriage (and was always a sin when it did), …
Today’s guest post comes to you from Ruth Buezis at Awaken-Love. This post is part of the Sexual Healing and Wholeness Series. By Ruth Buezis Before I …
I am always aware of my emotions. I name them. I describe them in detail. I compare them to feelings at other times. When I …
Today’s guest post comes to you from Leah Grey at Grey Ministries. This post is part of the Sexual Healing and Wholeness Series. By Leah Grey …
When I was in high school, some women in my hometown converted a gorgeous old home into a restaurant that was one of those places …
Today’s guest post comes to you from J. Parker at Hot, Holy & Humorous and Sex Chat for Christian Wives. This post is part of the Sexual Healing and …
Today’s guest post comes to you from Kim Pullen at Hope for Spouses and is part of the Sexual Healing and Wholeness Series. By Kim Pullen Years …
During this week before Easter, I’m rerunning a couple posts from my archives. So many Christian women have had sex before marriage. Even when that …
He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his …
Today’s guest post comes to you from Keelie Reason at Love Hope Adventure and is part of the Sexual Healing and Wholeness Series. By Keelie Reason I …