Is reading sexually explicit romance novels good for your marriage? (Hint: the answer is no.) Is reading these books as bad as viewing porn? You deserve a marriage that has not been influenced by unrealistic expectations and arousal brought to you by fiction.

As Bad as Porn?

Is reading sexually explicit romance novels good for your marriage? (Hint: the answer is no.) Is reading these books as bad as viewing porn? You deserve a marriage that has not been influenced by unrealistic expectations and arousal brought to you by fiction.

The walls we build to help ourselves feel safe may be the very things that deny us access to what we most want. In this post, I talk about how the walls I'd built to provide me some emotional safety affected my husband's sense of emotional safety with me. Other posts in the series share about why why we build walls, why we need to forgive, and how to tear down that wall.

The Other Side of the Wall

The walls we build to help ourselves feel safe may be the very things that deny us access to what we most want. In this post, I talk about how the walls I’d built to provide me some emotional safety affected my husband’s sense of emotional safety with me. Other posts in the series share about why why we build walls, why we need to forgive, and how to tear down that wall.

Most husbands experience emotional connection best through sexual intimacy. Their desire to connect with you through sexual intimacy is how God designed them. And you may be surprised to know that learning to care for your husband's heart may end up healing your heart as well.

Care for Your Husband’s Heart

Most husbands experience emotional connection best through sexual intimacy. Their desire to connect with you through sexual intimacy is how God designed them. And you may be surprised to know that learning to care for your husband’s heart may end up healing your heart as well.