Are You Naked and Unashamed?
Do you allow yourself to experience full sexual freedom with your husband, or do your responses reflect sexual inhibitions? If you haven’t yet embraced your full sexuality, what is your next step?
Learning to Dance with Desire
Do you allow yourself to experience full sexual freedom with your husband, or do your responses reflect sexual inhibitions? If you haven’t yet embraced your full sexuality, what is your next step?
“Sex is for you, too,” they would say. I’d roll my eyes and wonder why they were trying to shove a Stepford wife/doormat pill …
Crossroads in marriage sometimes are obvious; other times we don’t realize until after the fact that we made a decision that shaped the trajectory of our marriage. In the rawness of those moments, it isn’t always easy to see where we are going. In this post I share parts of a message I wrote to Big Guy during one of those raw moments when I was approaching what would turn out to be a crossroads.
James 5:16 tells us to confess our sins to each other so we can be healed. In order to confess, though, you have to admit …
When a husband begins to experience intimacy in his marriage, what happens to the walls he’s built around his heart? In this post I share a story about my husband inviting me in to parts of his heart where I had never been.
God can use sex to transform your marriage and help you feel whole. It is truly a profound mystery.
So much to do. So little time. In Turn Your Heart Toward Home, I wrote about the things in our lives that can pull …
I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me. Learning the Song of Songs, in real life. When you’re a sexual gatekeeper, you’re missing out on much of the lovely sexual garden God has given to you.
Sometimes we see marriage through a fog of emotional reactions. Choosing to be grateful can do a lot to burn through that fog and let the light shine through.
Even though I’m still a sexual work in progress, I have experienced much healing in my marriage.
When I began to make changes in our physical intimacy, I had no idea that things would lead to where they are now. Knocking down my emotional walls exposed my husband as well as me. We stand together now, with our hearts naked and unashamed.
Denying my husband sex also denied me the emotional connection and comfort I deeply needed.
When I read the voices of men who have been sexually deprived because their wives control their sex lives, I ache. I hurt for …
When I began my journey of sexual transformation, it didn’t even occur to me that I was beginning a journey. I just figured it …
My journey from sexual resistance to sexual joy was a slow crawl.