12 Marriage Lessons from Candy Crush Saga
What can we learn about marriage from a game? I found 12 lessons in Candy Crush. Read the post to find out what they are!
Learning to Dance with Desire
What can we learn about marriage from a game? I found 12 lessons in Candy Crush. Read the post to find out what they are!
A habit of sexual repression and restriction rather than sexual expression and freedom took me to a point where I was expending more energy avoiding …
Some wives have plenty of reasons for not trying to improve sexual intimacy in their marriages. Sex is less pure and godly than other …
I’ve heard guys joke around about how you can have either kids or a sex life, but you can’t have both at the same …
This is the time of year when men try to demonstrate their love to the women in their lives. Surely it’s Jacob’s fault. He loved …
Each season in life has its challenges, yet each season offers a unique beauty as well—even if that season includes a polar vortex.
Relationships matter. Like many women I know, I am frequently pulled toward the people in my life. A friend has marriage trouble and needs to …
There are moments when God shines a spotlight to focus our attention on something and bring it into the light. Today has been a hard …
Our hearts can be drawn away from our marriages and our husbands if we are not careful. What interferes with our focus and keeps our hearts from turning toward home?
When my husband’s sexually comes from deep inside himself. When he sexually shares himself with me, he is giving to me from that private place that matters so deeply to him.
I recently wrote that how you see your husband may be shaped by what you learned about men during childhood. We carry other negative …
Now that I’ve knocked down my emotional walls, I am able to find comfort with my husband. Even now when I weep, I know it will be okay. As Psalm 30:5 tells us, “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”
I remember his eyes. We were in college. We met in the basement of a church over a table soccer game. He was wearing a …
The Scales of Justice One evening last month, I received several messages from a man who had found my blog. Unsigned (but with a …
During our difficult years, there were times when our marriage felt like a war. Sometimes there were loud battles that would last for days. …