What About His Grooming and Hygiene?
Do your husband’s grooming and hygiene habits make it difficult for you to enjoy having sex with him? Learn how you can encourage him to make some changes.
Learning to Dance with Desire
Do your husband’s grooming and hygiene habits make it difficult for you to enjoy having sex with him? Learn how you can encourage him to make some changes.
How do you care for your marriage so it doesn’t fall apart?
Use these links to do your shopping while helping me out.
Of all my blog posts, this is the one that most shows where my heart is for this ministry.
How do you respond when your husband gives you compliments or speaks words of love to you?
Research shows that women’s sex sounds are about his orgasm, not hers. Is that true in your marriage?
Since I began writing this blog, I’ve been invited into the pain of countless marriages. Both wives and husbands have shared with me their …
How does a hysterectomy affect your sex life? Third post of three-part series.
Is your husband feeling emotionally abused in your marriage? If you suspect that the answer is yet, you can make some changes today.
I’ve always thought of my left side as my more emotional side. I’ve moved! While you can peruse the archives here, I am no …
What can we learn when we view a persistent porn habit as an addiction (even if it isn’t actually one)?
Sex strengthens our marriages and helps us experience connection and oneness with our husbands. Our sexual pleasure is good inside our marriages!
I loved this picture the first time I saw it because the red umbrella in this picture makes me think of a good Christian marriage. …
When you are in need, can you and your husband rely on each other for comfort?
There is a word I dislike, and it starts with F. You might say that it’s my least favorite F-word. Foreplay. I’ve moved! While you …