Dear Sister
I’d love to sit down with you, with some coffee and a yummy treat, and just listen to why you struggle with sex. And then here’s what I might have to say.
Learning to Dance with Desire
I’d love to sit down with you, with some coffee and a yummy treat, and just listen to why you struggle with sex. And then here’s what I might have to say.
Step by step, I changed my approach to sex. Here’s what worked for me. Your own steps might look different from mine—but step by step, day by day, you can make changes in your own habits.
Today is the final post from Janna Allen (a pseudonym) in which she opens her life to us to share how the journey has looked …
Today is the second of three posts from Janna Allen (a pseudonym) in which she opens her life to us to share how the journey …
We walk different paths on the way to and from sexual gate-keeping and refusing. While I’ve shared much of my own story here, my story …
I was struck this morning by these words from Psalm 30:11-12: You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with …
Years ago, I worked with a woman whose hair flowed down to her waist. The hair was about 50% gray, but she said her long …
A habit of sexual repression and restriction rather than sexual expression and freedom took me to a point where I was expending more energy avoiding …
There are moments when God shines a spotlight to focus our attention on something and bring it into the light. Today has been a hard …
Most of my marriage was pretty stormy. My husband and I would snipe at each other. We would lash out. We would yell. We would …
Courage is pressing forward when you feel afraid because you believe in something that is more important than fear.
Sexual generosity doesn’t look the same in all seasons of growth.
Sex was transformed into something completely different.
If you are unhappy, chances are that your husband is, too. And chances are that both of you need to make some changes. Stop waiting for your husband to take the first step. Someone needs to go first, and it might as well be you.
What convinced you to change? What persuaded you to begin to say “yes” to sex instead of “no”? How can we help other wives move from resistance to joy in sex?