Dance of the Windmills
With my sexual reawakening, I rediscovered a part of myself I’d nearly forgotten.
Learning to Dance with Desire
With my sexual reawakening, I rediscovered a part of myself I’d nearly forgotten.
I created the barriers that got in the way of having my deepest longing fulfilled. When I knocked down those barriers, I experienced the sweet fulfillment of my heart’s desire.
Sometimes we hit a season when our bodies just don’t want to cooperate in the bedroom. Hormones, breastfeeding, stress, menopause, and more can interfere with …
Years ago at church camp, we always did a skit that involved improbable characters: the Maytag repairman, a crazy cat lady who had dogs, a …
After all the effort you put into turning your sex life around, now your husband is the one who isn’t interested. What can you do?
It can be frustrating to read articles and blog posts about sex sometimes. Well-meaning writers give you all sorts of great suggestions for how to …
Research-based suggestions to boost your sexual desire.
In marriage, we should look for ways we can bless and love each other. My husband brings me my favorite cookies from the grocery store. …
Intimacy in marriage includes knowing and accepting each other. My husband needs to accept that my sexuality is different from his, and he needs to accept that what I will give him in the form of my expression is the best way I can translate my feelings into his being desired. At the same time, I need to accept that my husband needs to feel sexually desirable to me. I learned that I could translate what I’m feeling emotionally into a sexual expression that will speak to my husband.
Has your husband ever said he would like you to initiate sex more? Mine has. It used to be that when he would say …
It’s time to be intentional about claiming your sexuality and your sexual desire. It’s time to get your “sexy” on.
“Do you feel like having sex?” he would ask me. Most times, I would seriously think about it: Do I feel aroused in any …
A reader recently sent me the link to A Letter from a Husband to his Wife on Sexual Refusal and Reluctance and asked me …
Do you feel like your husband only wants you for sex? What if what he really wants is . . . you?
Sometimes sex requires gymnastics—not during sex itself, but in my mind before I can even have sex. I’ve moved! While you can peruse the …