When Was the Last Time You Had “Extra” Sex?!

Doesn't everyone think about sex while they're baking special Christmas cookies? I sure do! Check out my guest post at Intimacy in Marriage to find out why there is a connection.

When you write about sex, it’s easy to see sex in everything—even in baking Christmas cookies. Yes, really. Hint: It’s all about going the extra mile sometimes.

Visit my guest post at Intimacy in Marriage to learn more!

Doesn't everyone think about sex while they're baking special Christmas cookies? I sure do! Check out my guest post at Intimacy in Marriage to find out why there is a connection.

Image credit | canva.com

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2 Comments on “When Was the Last Time You Had “Extra” Sex?!”

  1. The last time we had sex it was not by any means extra. It was 4 1/2 years ago. And the time before that was 11 mouths before that 1. The longer we’re married the less I get chances. That not right at all.

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