Do you make time to set the stage for a little romance? Maybe you freshen up the bedroom. You light some candles. You shave your legs and put your fancy lotion or perfume on. You don’t rely on someone else to set the stage; you Do It Yourself.
Do you also make your own items to add extra fun to your marriage bed? Are you a DIY sex item maven?
This past weekend, I ventured into the land of DIY sex props. I had posted on the forums at The Marriage Bed that despite the fact that my husband had informed me that I still have my groove thing and can still shake it, I can’t dance—and I wanted to change that. My husband and I had a hotel night planned (and already paid for) related to a work dinner for him, and I had decided that I would try to strip for him. I’d already done this a couple times but just felt really awkward because I cannot dance. I mean, I really can’t dance. If you’ve ever seen Elaine on Seinfeld, you’ll understand just how bad I am: Elaine dances better than I do.
Someone suggested looking up burlesque tutorial videos. Not only did I find one with four simple moves that even I can do, I noticed that the dancer had a boa. A boa! I thought. I knit! I can make a boa!
So as my daughter and I were leaving town for the long drive to her university, I stopped and picked up some yarn and knitting needles. While my daughter drove, I knitted away. (“What are you knitting, Mom?” “Oh, just a scarf, sweetie.” “Will you make me one like that?” Uh, no.)
The whole time I was knitting, I realized that I was anticipating our upcoming sexual encounter. Every stitch I knit was an investment in our intimate life and a reminder of what I would be doing for my husband. It was a good way to be thinking about sex and knowing that I was putting something of myself into the planning.
The boa and the dancing were a big hit with my husband. The boa looked more like a teal-colored mop than something feathery and sexy, but as my husband watched me pretend I can dance, he knew that the mop was more than just a prop; he knew it was a symbol of my investment in our marriage bed. He knew that I wanted to do something to please him. And that’s exactly what I proceeded to do.
I started to wonder what other things I could make using my limited crafting ability. Readers, is there something you’ve made to enhance your sex life that you would be willing to share? Do you make interesting costumes? Velvet restraints? Special foods to share with your sweetie in front of the fireplace?
Post in the comments to tell us about it. If you email a picture to forgivenwife@gmail.com, I’ll share some of them in a future post. (Please, send pictures of the item only.) If there’s something you can tell us about how you made, all the better!
What are your DIY Sex Items?

What a wonderful way to express your love for your husband and show you appreciation for his sexuality. I’m sure he was thrilled to see his bride make an effort to seduce him. I’m sure he realized that you were outside your comfort zone and I have no doubt that knowing that really warmed his heart. Just think of the visual you imprinted on his male brain with you boa (scarf). Wearing you scarf on a cold day will surely keep both of you warm.
LOL…Now I get it, Learning To Dance With Desire!
That is great! There is so much you can use around the house in sex, some that require very little “doing”. We are fans of using ice cubs during sex, or different things for light bondage like scarves, neck ties, etc (one time we even used a bungy cord–I don’t recommend it!).
Bungy cords? Yikes. Ah, well. Live and learn!
I’ve prepared things over the years:
1) Candy 2) fire place 3) cheese 4) rasberries/ strawberries 5) Olives 6) pickles 7) wine 8)message oil 9) turn up the heat
…. of course, pending each one’s personal desires.
Once I was just goofing around: I used to work out a lot and was a little more thin back then. I put on some tight shorts, pulled back my very long hair, wore a Fedora, no shirt, and suspenders which I don’t typically wear.
My wife worked 2nd shift so when she returned home just after midnight it was quite funny. She enjoyed the change of scene.
I will say this, girls in suspenders…… YES!!
I’ve made all kinds of meals, creating different impromptu recipes, but apart from setting the mood, one time I made breakaway pants for a strip dance. I ripped the seams on a pair of old jeans and sewed weak snaps along the seams so I could just yank the pants off to reveal the next layer (boxer briefs) which I would later remove to reveal the banana hammock underneath: a good place for her to tuck the dollar bills I had supplied her.
Impressive! Sewing snaps is far beyond my ability level.