Pride goeth before a fall, and today's peacock is tomorrow's feather duster. I was prideful about being a great communicator--until it became clear that I wasn't as great as I thought I was.

Today’s Peacock

Pride goeth before a fall, and today’s peacock is tomorrow’s feather duster. I was prideful about being a great communicator–until it became clear that I wasn’t as great as I thought I was.

Have you asked yourself recently what idols are standing between you and a real and righteous marriage? Where does your heart need to be? What does the book of Hosea show you about the heart of Gomer--and about your own heart for your marriage?

The Heart of Gomer

Have you asked yourself recently what idols are standing between you and a real and righteous marriage? Where does your heart need to be? What does the book of Hosea show you about the heart of Gomer–and about your own heart for your marriage?


Grumpish  adjective. Surly or ill-tempered; discontentedly or sullenly irritable; grouchy.  ( Yesterday was not an easy day. Shortly after my husband woke up, he learned …