It can take time to make a new habit feel comfortable and natural. When you persevere anyway, you may find that you can soon reap the fruits of your effort.
Learning to Dance with Desire
It can take time to make a new habit feel comfortable and natural. When you persevere anyway, you may find that you can soon reap the fruits of your effort.
Does it seem that your husband keeps trying to fix the sex in your marriage, when you know it’s the relationship that is the problem, not the sex? In this post, I explain why your husband might be doing that, and I give you four things that might lead to improvement.
If you’ve been married a long time and things don’t seem so great, it’s easy to think about getting a fresh start. But consider this: you’ve already invested a lot of time in your marriage. Isn’t it worth investing some effort as well, just to see what your marriage might become?
When everything seems to be unraveling right before your eyes, it’s easy to see it as a bad thing. Consider that unraveling might be the very thing that allows you to rebuild something amazing.
If you are just starting to make new sexual habits, you may dread the journey and effort in front of you. If you keep at it, you may find yourself enjoying sex in ways you can’t even imagine now.
Making changes in your marriage and your sex life can create a place where you can safely grow. Are you ready to spin your cocoon?
Is there anything you can do if your husband says he just wants results and doesn’t believe you’re actually making any progress in the area of sex? This post shows you some thoughts to help you as well as some actions to help your husband.
Do you respond to your husband’s requests or concerns about sex with “Stop pressuring me!”? It’s time to stop—and try something better.
I don’t have much space for flowers where we live now, but every spring I find that I experience a visceral craving to reconnect with …
Do you have a habit of mentally checking out while you’re having sex? If you want to work on being more present, try these four things that worked for me. #ChristianMarriage #YouCanDoIt
You can make plenty of progress in your sex life without adding the spice of new activities.
It’s time for another Passion Pursuit study. Choose the option that’s best for you–a group study on Facebook, or an individual email study with me. Are you ready to pursue passion in your marriage and learn about God’s design for sex?
Although it is unwise to dwell in the past, it is important to be willing to look at the past in order to fully face our sins as well as identify areas where we need to grow and to heal—but how exactly do you do that? This post gives you four things to try.
When you realize how deeply you’ve hurt your husband, it can be devastating to hear him respond with “too little, too late.” Here are some tips to help you grow and have hope.
It doesn’t matter where you begin your journey to work on sex. If you want to make progress, start with God, seek help, and do the work in front of you.