Oral Sex: Blessing Your Husband and Learning to Be Blessed
I have quite a few oral sex posts, addressing both giving and receiving. They’re all listed here!
Learning to Dance with Desire
I have quite a few oral sex posts, addressing both giving and receiving. They’re all listed here!
We often people talk about “vanilla sex”—sex that is plain, the same every time, and not too spicy. Vanilla sex is “the usual.” It’s our …
Prepare for the holidays in a way that helps the intimacy in your marriage be nurtured rather than blown away. Rather than stressing out about all the things you have to do, seek comfort—in your husband’s arms.
My husband and I used to argue all the time—about sex, money, parenting, household chores, and even how we argued. He pointed out (frequently) …
Dazzle your husband and keep your sex life alive during the holidays!
For several weeks, I’ve written about the value of stepping outside our sexual comfort zones. I’ve shared some of my stories. Now I am …
Discomfort is often the impetus to growth. Are you uncomfortable enough in your marriage to want to make some changes? What will it take?
What do you do when you learn your husband has an interest in feet? In this guest post, a wife shares about how she became comfortable with her husband’s foot partialism–and how their marriage grew in intimacy.
Once we are brave and expose ourselves anyway, we have an opportunity to learn how much we are truly desired. In this guest post, a woman shares about learning to be comfortable with light during sex.
Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone? For the next few Fridays, I’ll be writing about our sexual comfort zones. How do we get …
Stepping outside your sexual comfort zone doesn’t have to be a giant step.
The best orgasm of my life happened a few months ago. My husband and I were in a hotel room with a lovely city view. …