If Your Husband Uses Pornography

If you are the wife of a man who uses pornography, you are not alone—and there is help.

I haven’t written much about pornography here. While it used to show up occasionally in our marriage (and was always a sin when it did), it never seemed to become a problem for us. (I do have two posts about it—a guest post about rebuilding trust and my own post about whether a porn problem is an addiction.)

For many of you, however, pornography HAS been a problem in your marriage—and you are not alone.

Here are some saddening statistics:

If you live in the US, you live in a culture in which one-third of us seek out pornography each month.

55% of married Christian men view pornography at least once each month.

More than 20% of Christian women view pornography at least once each month (and many more also read sexually explicit romance novels, which can tap into some of the same heart issues as pornography does). (See more statistics about Christian women and porn addiction here.)

On the podcast, we are beginning a three-episode series on pornography for wives dealing with a husband’s porn use.

I’d like to encourage you to go listen, even if you aren’t much of a podcast listener.

Bonny Burns of Bonny’s OysterBed7 shares part of her own story. She talks about her initial reaction as well as what helped her move past the initial anger and grief. If you are dealing with this in your own marriage, I think you will find comfort and encouragement in her story.

Listen to the podcast episode here.

Click to read our show notes.

If your husband uses pornography, take a look at the resources below for information, support, and insight. Some of this will be helpful to your husband if he is trying to conquer his battle against porn. Some of the material is for you.

Be Broken Ministries (includes great support for wives)


Covenant Eyes (affiliate link that gives me commission from your purchase)

Fight the New Drug

Surfing for God, by Michael Cusick (affiliate link that gives me commission from your purchase)

If you are the one who struggles with pornography, in addition to the resources listed above, also check out Dirty Girls Ministries and Beggar’s Daughter.

If you are the wife of a man who uses pornography, you are not alone—and there is help.

Image credit | Free-Photos at pixabay.com

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