Keep on Walking
As you travel your journey to work on sex, after every step, look at what you can do next. If it seems too much, break it down into smaller stages. Even a baby step is a step—as long as you take it.
Learning to Dance with Desire
As you travel your journey to work on sex, after every step, look at what you can do next. If it seems too much, break it down into smaller stages. Even a baby step is a step—as long as you take it.
My husband considers himself sexually blessed these days. He gets to have sex as often as he likes. Every act, position, and “prop” he’s …
Over the past few days, I’ve been blessed and honored by messages from people who have stopped by this blog. They have opened their hearts, …
The irony does not escape me. Some would call my changed behavior an awakening, as though I’d been asleep before. I wasn’t asleep. I …
It is a Friday afternoon, and I am listening to the winds howl outside while the snow pellets hit my window. When I walked in …
During the time in my life when my friends and I were getting married, our preparations included thinking about foundation garments—underclothing that helps shape …
I wanted to write about change, so as any good researcher would do, I did an internet search for thoughtful quotations about change and …
If you are trying to make some changes in yourself and your marriage, don’t let yourself be discouraged because you can’t see change from day to day. Growth should be measured in the long view.
When I began my journey of sexual transformation, it didn’t even occur to me that I was beginning a journey. I just figured it …
Although we went to church and my parents were basically good people with solid values, they somehow never got around to encouraging me to think …
Years ago, I was on pregnancy bedrest for what seemed like an eternity. The women at my church wanted to provide my family with meals …
My on-going journey to better wifehood is definitely more of an overgrown trail through the woods than a nice paved path along the beach. I’ve …
Yes, this blog is mostly about sex. Why? I’ve moved! While you can peruse the archives here, I am no longer posting at The Forgiven …
A couple months ago, I wrote this in an online forum. I really liked it, and it’s one of those things that keeps coming …
One of the hardest things about my marriage recovery has been facing the fact that I was so wrong. I am always right! I don’t …