Are you ready to take a step toward growing in the area of sexual intimacy?
I have two programs that can help you do just that.
Passion Pursuit Study
Every fall and spring, I run a study of Passion Pursuit, by Linda Dillow and Juli Slattery.
The Fall 2020 session begins September 13 and runs through November 21.
Passion Pursuit is for Christian wives in generally healthy marriages. If you are in marriage that involves on-going unrepentant sin (such as abuse, porn addiction, or infidelity), please seek professional or pastoral counseling to address those issues before joining a Passion Pursuit study. Also, if you have experienced sexual trauma (such as sexual abuse, rape, or painful sex), you may not be ready for this study until you have begun to pursue healing from the trauma.
If you are a Christian wife who wants to learn God’s truth about sex and pursue sexual passion in marriage, this study is for you!
Although Passion Pursuit was designed as a face-to-face group study, it works well online, too.
Here’s what you get as part of my study:
- Be part of a private group of women who want to grow in sexual intimacy through the Passion Pursuit study.
- Receive weekly posts packed full of information about the upcoming chapter.
- Get daily study questions to think about and discuss with each other.
- Get daily opportunities to connect with other women in the group.
I run the study through my Honeycomb & Spice community.
If you’re interested in the individual Passion Pursuit email study, click here.
Intimacy Mentoring
A while back, I built an Intimacy Mentoring program. It helped a few wives, but it didn’t work so well for others. I set the program aside so I could reflect and reevaluate.
I realized that while my goal was right (to help women grow in the area of sexual intimacy), my decision to offer several options for the program meant that instead of focusing on the actual mentoring, I had to tend to a lot of variables with inconsistent ebb and flow. Also, it was missing a feature that I believe makes a big difference in growth—community.
I’ve spent time reflecting, praying, and planning to come up with something even better. I’m excited to announce a relaunch of Intimacy Mentoring!
My new Intimacy Mentoring program provides both group support and individual assistance and guidance. Mentoring will take place both individually with me (via email or private messaging) and in a private Circle within my Honeycomb & Spice community.
Here’s what you’ll receive:
- Access to the private Intimacy Mentoring Circle within the Honeycomb & Spice community.
- Encouragement posted several times a week in the community.
- A monthly group chat event.
- One-on-one help setting goals and determining next steps.
- Monthly accountability check-ins.
If you want to make genuine change in the area of sex, you’ll need to do some good work on yourself—and it’s work that takes time and perseverance. Intimacy Mentoring should help, but you are the one who will do the heavy lifting.
Here’s what you should plan to do:
- Give a full year commitment to the program.
- Participate in the Intimacy Mentoring Circle on Honeycomb & Spice.
- Be willing to do the hard work: look at your struggles, own what is yours to own, pursue healing, make an effort to make positive changes, etc.
- Be respectful of your husband, both in how you speak of him in the program and in allowing him time and space to heal from his own hurt in your marriage.