Change of Address
The Forgiven Wife is moving to Honeycomb & Spice. I hope you join me!
Learning to Dance with Desire
The Forgiven Wife is moving to Honeycomb & Spice. I hope you join me!
Are you ready to take a step toward growing in the area of sexual intimacy? I have two programs that can help you do just that. Learn more about my Passion Pursuit study and Intimacy Mentoring, and think about what kind of support you need as you move forward.
In this post I share my 20 favorite episodes from the Sex Chat for Christian Wives podcast.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m part of the Sex Chat for Christian Wives podcast. I get to work with my good friends Bonny, Gaye, and …
Are you a Christian wife who wants to grow in the area of sexual intimacy? Do you want a safe community where you can share authentically with other Christian wives?Whether you’ve struggled with sex, have a husband who struggles, or already enjoy much sweetness and spice in the sexual intimacy in your marriage, Honeycomb & Spice is for you.
It’s time for another Passion Pursuit study. Choose the option that’s best for you–a group study on Facebook, or an individual email study with me. Are you ready to pursue passion in your marriage and learn about God’s design for sex?
February may be the shortest month, but it can still make a huge difference in your marriage! Today I’m sharing some great resources that can …
Awaken Love is the kind of book I wish I’d had when I first began to look for help in my journey.
I have quite a few oral sex posts, addressing both giving and receiving. They’re all listed here!
I haven’t written much about pornography here. While it used to show up occasionally in our marriage (and was always a sin when it did), …
This month is the first anniversary of the Sex Chat for Christian Wives podcast I do with J (Hot, Holy & Humorous), Bonny (Bonny’s OysterBed7), …
About a month ago I decided I wanted to write one more post about the #MeToo movement, this time simply giving you a list of …
Rather than write a full blog post today, I’m going to encourage you to spend some time with my friends and me! I’ve moved! …
Sheila Gregoire from To Love, Honor & Vacuum has an awesome online video-based course for moms and daughters about sex, puberty, and growing up. The course is designed to help you start and continue important conversations with your own daughter. The course comes in two different versions: one for girls ages 10-12 and and another for girls 13-15. Sheila’s own daughters lead the videos, and you’ll find discussion and activity ideas to help you and your daughter continue the conversation.