How Can I Pray for You?

How can I pray for your sexual journey while I'm on the road?

Very early Thursday morning, I will get into my car and begin the long drive to Tennessee for a working retreat with the podcast team.

When I’m in the car alone for a long while, one I hit long, east stretches of the interstate, I like to use some of that time to pray.

I want to pray for you.

Some of you are struggling. You are working hard to unlearn bad teaching or to heal from past trauma. You’re trying to have compassion for your husband but you’re afraid. You have a hard time forgiving, or accepting forgiveness.

Others of you have made great progress in your efforts to address your sexual difficulties, but now you wonder what’s next. Or you aren’t quite ready to believe that sex is a gift for you and not just for your husband. You’ve hit a hurdle and you don’t quite know how to take the next leap.

For some of you, the bulk of the journey is behind you. You want to celebrate and praise God for the work He has done in you, for you, and with you.

Ladies, if you would like me to pray about your journey of sexual intimacy, will you please let me know?

If you leave a comment with your prayer request, then others can see it and pray for you as well. Or, if you’d like it to stay private, send me an email at I may not respond to your email, but I will see it–and will pray for you.

Before I get on the road, and when I’m at rest stops, I’ll take a look and update my prayer list for the next leg of my journey. And I’ll do the same thing before I head home Sunday.

Tell me how I can pray for you.

I would appreciate prayers for a safe and easy journey and for our retreat to be productive, energizing, and Spirit-filled.

If you’d like to make a donation to offset our travel expenses,
you can do so at GoFundMe.

How can I pray for your sexual journey while I'm on the road?

Image credit | Chris Taylor
(I took this picture last time I traveled through Tennessee. It’s the same image I used for this post, about the time my husband and I accidentally trespassed on a mountain.)

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7 Comments on “How Can I Pray for You?”

  1. Hi Chris, I would appreciate prayer. We are in a slump at the moment, both had times of poor health on and off, and this, has made intimacy quite sporadic. The effect of not being ‘in touch’ with each other has been a bit of a setback for me, when we are together, such as flashbacks to my past and fears of old times. So prayer would be lovely.

  2. Hi Chris, praying for a fruitful and safe time for you and your friends.
    Please pray for my wife who just doesn’t enjoy or want sex with me. Pray I can get through to her. My job is changing soon and we will have much more time together. I think God would like at least some of that time forfus to be naked. I certainly would but I need courage to be able to share vulnerably and helpfully with my DW. I do believe prayer works . Thank you.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to pray for us. My husband and I work opposite shifts during the week, so we see each other less than 20 min a day, and he is just waking up, so there is no time for us to connect during the week. I really need the emotional connection for me to feel intimate, and it just isn’t there right now. During the weekends when we do get to spend time together, I just feel very distant from him. I want to be able to connect emotionally so we can have a more intimate relationship.

  4. I’d really appreciate some prayer. We are a young couple and have only been married a year and a half and yet, I struggle very much with refusing to my husband. God revealed to me the sin I am committing but I haven’t fully found the roots as to why I’m like this in the first place. I think part of it stems from premarital sex between my now-husband and I, but I’m not sure what else is making me so adverse to sex. I feel broken and abnormal and it’s so frustrating. I was doing good for a week or two actively trying to be open to sex and enjoy it, and I was successful a few times. But I’m back into a rut again. Sorry for such a rambling post, but I guess I just need prayers that the roots to my sin will become clear to me so that I can work to fix this issue. As well, prayers for talking to my husband about our premarital sex would be appreciated. He initiated a lot of that, so I think he is going to feel immensely guilty and hurt or think I’m blaming him for our problems, so I’m a bit afraid to tell him my feelings about it. Thank you for all you do!

  5. i would humbly ask prayer from you (you would understand, not some Christian television prayer request form) for whatever’s going on with my vaginal area (inside also).
    i am on the correct HRT, also vaginal Estrogen and moisturizers and have been to the GYN a few times, been tested for yeast/bacteria (negative) and still i do NOT KNOW what is going on there or’s basically a burning irritation even between sex and right now penetration is off the table.
    I have asked God over and over for wisdom because i’m doing everything right it seems (hormones, moisture, lubricant, unscented soap, you name it, i know it all.) Not only is it painful (and no it’s not something related to the pelvic floor) as in burning but now penetration is a no no. We managed to satisfy our sex life in other ways thank the Lord but as you can imagine this is very depressing and discouraging and i don’t think my GYN knows what to do next 🙁

    Thank you so much for praying.

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