As part of my summer break, for the rest of the summer I’ll be pointing you toward my blog posts and other resources that I want to be sure you know about.
I want to start by sharing one of my very favorite resources with you—the Sex Chat for Christian Wives podcast that I co-host with the wonderful, J, Gaye, and Bonny. We are holding our first webinar this week. You can still register, and there will be a replay available if you aren’t able to make the live session.
Since the podcast is one of my favorite resources, I thought it would be fun to share with you my favorite episodes.
My Favorite Episodes
Here they are, in no particular order, along with why they’re my favorite.
1. Episode 6: Women’s Sexual Response
I love this episode because we’re talking about a subject that matters a lot when it comes to sex—women’s sexual response. So many of us think we are sexually uninterested or even defective when our sexuality doesn’t work in the same way that men’s sexuality does. It’s so reassuring to find out that our sexual response is perfectly normal! It’s one of my favorite subjects to write and talk about. Listen here.
2. Episode 8: Sex Toys
In this episode, we’re talking about a subject we don’t all agree on—and that’s part of what I think is so great. The four of us on the podcast are all Christians, and we’re all great friends, but that certainly doesn’t mean we all think alike. Our conversation models how to talk about a sex-related subject with kindness and respect. We all need to be able to do that when we talk about sex in our marriages, right? Listen here.
3-5. Episode 12: Guy Talk – The Importance of Sex, Episode 14: Guy Talk – A Wife’s Beauty, and Episode 16: Guy Talk – Men’s Sexuality
Our culture is full of stereotypes about men’s views on sex. Some of these stereotypes make men sound like sex-crazed beasts, and that just isn’t fair to the decent Christian husbands in our lives. A couple years ago, I had a chance to sit down with a few guys who either write Christian marriage blogs or are married to women who do: Scott Means from Heaven Made Marriage, Brad Aldrich from One Flesh Marriage, Paul Byerly from The Generous of Husband, Tom Walter from The Romantic Vineyard, and my very own Big Guy.
They talked about why sex is important to husbands, what a husband really thinks about his wife’s body, and what men wish their wives understand about male sexuality. We spread this across several episodes. In each episode, you get to listen to what the guys had to say, and then you can hear what we women thought about their comments. Listen here, here, and here.
6. Episode 22: Sexual Harassment #ustoo
This episode was such an important one for us to do. As we began to hear the revelations about various celebrities who had been accused of sexual harassment, we got to thinking about how much our previous experiences with sexual harassment and assault affected us in our marriages. We got real, we shared our hearts, and we even cried a little. Listen here.
One of the things we talk about is how we can support other women who step forward to say, “Me, too.” If this is something you’d like to explore in more depth than we do on the podcast, please make sure you get Mary Demuth’s forthcoming book, We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis (affiliate link). If you preorder by August 12, you will get five of Mary’s ebooks free. (Learn more here.) If you are a sexual abuse survivor, or if you care about anyone who is, this is THE book to read.
7-9. Episode 38: A Conversation about Porn (Part 1), Episode 39: A Conversation about Porn (Part 2), and Episode 40: Healing after Porn Discovery
This is another great three-part series. In the first two episodes, I chat with Bonny as she shares her own story of dealing with her husband’s porn addition. She gets raw and real about her experiences, which is so helpful to other wives who feel guilty about feeling so angry and hurt upon discovering porn use in their marriages. In the third episode, all four of us talk about healing after a porn discovery. Listen here, here, and here.
10. Episode 52: Resources for Great Sex
If you’re a Christian wife who wants to grow in the area of sexual intimacy, now is a great time to be growing. We have so many wonderful resources available to encourage and inform us, and in this episode we share many of them with you. Listen here.
11-20. Listener Questions
My other 10 favorite episodes are the ten listener questions episodes we’ve done. We’ve talked about so many different subjects, including multiple orgasms, erectile dysfunction, communicating about sex, sexual fantasies, anal sex, queefing, initiating sex, love languages, the messiness of sex, and more. The Listener Questions episodes are all listed on this page. I just love answering our listeners’ questions, because it gives us a chance to talk about so many different aspects of sex, even if they aren’t things we can flesh out into a full episode.
So there you have it—my 20 favorite episodes from the podcast. If you’d like to see the full list of our episodes, you can see the full list here, with links to the show notes.
Subscribe to Sex Chat for Christian Wives from your favorite podcast app. Or, you can sign up for our email list here and receive our episode show notes and play link right in your inbox.
Be sure to sign up for our upcoming webinar, Understanding Your Sex Drive.
Thank you for your lovely responses after my recent post when I shared about my husband’s job loss. I have felt the peace that comes from others praying for me and reaching out to care. God bless you.

Image credit | Burst at pexels.com